Use your Tablet or Phone as a Secondary Monitor for your Desktop Wirelessly! Easiest Method 2021

 Hey in this blog I am gonna show you how you can use your old Tab or Phone as your Secondary Display for your Laptop and PC. This can come very handy if you have a device lying around which is not of use anymore because of low specs or any other reasons. In my case, I have a Tablet of 10inch which I don't use much because of its low specs but it does have a 720p 10inch Screen which can be useful to me. So let's Start! 

Note: It's obvious that since we are connecting our tab/phone wirelessly you may face latency or low quality as it is fully dependent on your Internet Connection's Speed. However, you can change quality, resolution from the app settings.

How to Setup

  1. Download the SpaceDesk app from PlayStore on your Android Tab/Phone
  2. Download SpaceDesk Driver for your Windows from here (Official Website)
  3. Install the SpaceDesk Driver

How to Use

  1. Make sure your both devices are connected to the Same Wifi Network or Same Hotspot
  2. Launch SpaceDesk Server App on Windows, and SpaceDesk app on your Android Device
  3. On Windows (in the SpaceDesk Server) select Network Interfaces (Local)
  4. On your PC at System Tray you will find SpaceDesk's icon right click on it and turn it on
  5. After turning on, On your Android Device you will see your Laptop's Name, click on it and Now you're connected.